Business Breakthrough

"[Join to Build a Scalable Business as business owners, with Better Team & Be the Top 4% Successful Business Owners]"

Else It's Too Late

Learn the Business Strategies , Systems Principles & Capabilities , Proven Method that has been a Game Changer for Business to Scale, across Industries

Sign up the link  below, 
699Rs @  FREE  only, For First 50 Registrants

Event Date : 20 Oct 2022 , Time 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Here Is What You Will Learn In This Power Packed Webinar

✅ 1. How to Build a Scalable Business , learn the Powerful & Game Changer Principles , Used by Successful Business Owners across the world.

✅ 2. How to build a Warrior Mode Second line leaders [Team] to build a Sustainable and Healthy Operations.

✅ 3. How to build a Robust Business model to build Consistent Sales & Cash Flow across functions of business.

✅ 4. How to Retain Employees : To Build  Better  teams  better  Environment , There  are  Strategies &  Systems  that  you Implement to  create an environment for Employees to  be there with you  in Tough times Equally and  drive  Operation Excellence , So that you as business owner can focus on core business growth.

✅ 5. Bonuses  and  Accelerated  learning  Solution  to take the  journey way ahead.

     6. What  are  the  3  core  Important task / deliverables  , as  business owner you should   focus  on   with  your  time  , money  &  intelligence ?

Only those who take action consistently are the ones who Grow Out of the Situation , This webinar is all about Setting the Right Directions & Preparing Self with the knowledge to grow in the Situation that we are all In , as Business Owners and Entrepreneur's

This Is Something You Will Not Miss And Get At Any Cost. To Fuel Your Business

1. Build Success Mindset To Run Your Business Like The Top 4%.

2. Improve Your Business With Right Systems & Processes.

3. Make Your Employees Work Like Intrapreneur Where They Take Ownership & Responsibilities.

4. Most Important! Go To Positive Cashflow, And Scale  Your Business Growth.

Sign up the link below,
699Rs @ Free only , For First 50 Registrants

Event Date : 20 Oct 2022 , Time 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Here is the Power pack Bonus Gift You Get when You Join the Event, and Qualify Yourself to Receive the Bonus worth 20,000 ! Absolute FREE !

Mastery to Inner Enginnering to Maximize On Your Business Outcomes

Bonus 1

Secrets of How Traits & Behaviour of Your Team Impact the Performance

Bonus 2

Moment  of Truth  For  You as  micro  small medium business  owner , to  Qualify Highly  Power  Pack  Checklist  &  Templates | Tools To Fit your diversified workforce  In Ensuring Right  Allignment of Team

[Bonus 1 – 10,000 ]                                                                    [Bonus 2 – 10,000]

Value Pack  Rs20, 000  ABSOLUTELY  FREE  !!!

Sign up the link below,
699Rs @ Free only , ForFirst 50 Registrants

Event Date : 20 Oct 2022 , Time 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Don't Qualify Yourself Incase

About the Speaker

Avik Sah
Business  Coach | Consultant

Frequently Asked Questions [ FAQ]

This  is a  live   3  hrs  workshop ,  No  Recordings or   Display  later  Available , Come  Prepared . Block your  calendar in advance.

Declutter  Self  Mentally , Emotionally ,  Physically   &  Be  in a  Silent  Place , without  Distractions , and  Notepad  official 

[  Manuals  ]      &  Pen   to  Get the Best  out  of the  Event  TO Take the  journey  way ahead 

Chat  Box  Usage  only  to  Interact ,  Refrain  from   Self  Promo  or  cross  Promo , or personal  Discussions 

This is not just another Online Webinar or Time pass , Its Purely has a direct Impact on the Results of Business to take Action & add value to Your Business Progress  .Progress In Business  way forward with Specific  Strategies / Action Oriented Webinar . 

What  Can You  Do  Beyond  the  Power  Pack  Event Webinar  So That  U can Build a Stable &  Scalable  Business ,  with  Better  Teams  

Anybody  who  has  their own business   across  Industry  or  demographics   irrespective of size  of business  Including Solo preneur , This  is  not  an event  for  anyone  who do not  have  their business  ,  or  Students  or  Aspiring  Professionals  to do  business , 

Roadblocks – As Business Owner s we have our  own Limiting Beliefs [ past experiences ] & Internal Fears Foundational building 

   Event  , Come with  Open Mind , come  out  of LIMITING  Beliefs & Internal  Fears  to Open in new world of opportunity &  learn FROM Experts in the Same Space .

Mindsets |  Principles / Strategies / Secrets  to build  Better  version of Self  with Sustainable  &  Scalable  business  to next level 

Last   10min  to Answer , in the  end of the event , to keep  the flow  &  learning  path  of the event , on track 

This  is  no theoretical  aspects  or  just one more online webinar .  Its packed  with  the  practical implementation of your business journey way forward and address  all the  key functions @ holistic  approach with accelerated Learning  way ahead . Hence  the  Science of business  to  understand &  implement  Is  key . . So  don’t believe in the   concept of certificates , real time  approach So  come with an OPEN  MIND  Approach . 

Worry , of material  circumstances &  situations [  worry kills more than actual problem ] Only  the Right Perspective , acceptance  &   creation of new  strategies / business model / services &  designing  will  help  to build your business  not wo rryness ”   ONLY  ACTION  TAKERS  are Key 

Sign up the link below,
699Rs @ Free only , For First 50 Registrants

Event Date : 20 Oct 2022 , Time 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

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