EP 6 How to be in Right Confidence Even when the Business Is Low

Why  Do we  Get  Stuck in  the  Journey of   Building   Business  ,When Low  @ Tougher  Times 

Is  it the  Environment  , or  the  Confidence  , or  the  Pricing  which is Impacting  the  Business  Growth

Month  to  Month  , Quarter to Quarter ,life  cycle  of the  the  Customer

This  Podcast  will  Help  You  to Understand  in  Detail , the  core  Pulse  of  Business ,  Its  the  Inside  Game 

Listen  till the  End , and Comment on the fact  which  are the area of which you are Struggling to  Address   &  How  this  Podcast  has  Given Enough  Food  for  thought  ,  in  Context  to Clarity &  Precision in Measuring  Business  Growth  in  Tough  Times 

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